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Information page and blog : an informal collection of useful miscellanea and updates

Updates for Thursday 4th August

The ISCEV Olympics will be held at Abercromby Square @15:00

. A 4 minute walk

. Leave the Conference Centre with the Registration Desk on your left

. Turn immediately left along the boulevard. Walk 200m

. Abercromby Square is ahead of you across the road.

# Weather forecast fair-to-mixed all day

Updates Tuesday 2nd August

# Note Tomorrow’s meeting starts at 08:30 in Lecture Theatre A (This was omitted in the conference mobile app)

# Navigating around Liverpool on foot

. See maps linked in pages below and conference mobile phone app.

. There are 2 main universities in Liverpool. Don’t be confused by the street signs. We are at the University of Liverpool NOT Liverpool John Moors University.

. If you are in-and-around the City Centre, the University is roughly uphill, away from the river. Look for the dome of the RC Cathedral on the skyline

. Best walking route up to the University is along Brownlow Hill

. On Google Maps post code L69 7BX

# Weather forecast good all day for tomorrow!

Updates Monday 1st August

Details of Swim and Gym facilities here

Lovely poem from Delegate Giovanni Sato here

Oh Dear! … ISCYCLES trip cancelled (updated 13th June) see details here

Any website issues, contact Tony Fisher

Tony’s Map: Where is Liverpool anyway?! some ISCEV history here

Ruth’s Map: Where’s where in Liverpool look here

Symposium details on the ISCEV website are here

(maintained by Michael Bach )

COVID Symposium policy, general info and advice is here