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Dear ISCYCLES Colleagues (updated 13th June)
ISCYCLES trip cancelled
Bad news about ISCYCLES I’m afraid. Not enough people have got back to me with a firm commitment and we’ve run out of time for booking bikes and hotels. I am very disappointed, but I do understand that in the first symposium after full-on COVID, people are being very cautious.
However, I am still up for our small group of chums to do something: maybe walk a few hills in North Wales: maybe a day on e-bikes on forest trails. Let’s see.
With very best wishes, Tony
Slovenia: Just one of many fabulous memories!

We might not be able to agree on how to spell ISCYCLES (ICYCLES?), but no doubt we have had some fabulous times. I am not sure if it will be possible to put a trip together this year. I am as enthusiastic as ever but I do realise that things move on and that colleagues’ circumstances change. I’ll send a round-robin email soon to find out what you all think. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts, one way or another, drop me an email.
With best wishes to all my ISCYCL-ing chums, Tony Fisher (