About the International Society of Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision ( ISCEV)
What is ISCEV?
ISCEV, the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision is a society of clinicians and clinical scientists from diverse backgrounds including ophthalmology, medical physics, optometry and psychology. There are over 400 members from 45 countries who are bound together by a common interest in the human visual system in health and disease.
Members of the society investigate and care for people with sight threatening conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and neurological conditions affecting vision. The stated objectives of the society are:
- to promote and extend the knowledge of clinical electrophysiology of vision, and
- to promote co-operation and communication among workers in the field of clinical and basic electrophysiology of vision
These objectives are promoted through ongoing activities including publication of the scholarly journal Document Ophthalmologica, web-based communications and support for regional and international meetings. The ISCEV annual symposium, the most important focus of the ISCEV calendar, rotates among three broad geographic regions: Europe and Africa, the Americas and Asia following invitation of individual members or local groups. Recent ISCEV symposia have been in Nagoya, Japan; Leuven, Belgium; and Montreal, Canada.
ISCEV 43rd Annual Symposium: Glasgow 23-27 August 2005
Glasgow is not only an interesting city with a range of amenities but Glasgow is also a special place for ISCEV. We have a high concentration of ISCEV members based in three centres, the Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology (Gartnavel General Hospital), the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Yorkhill and the Department of Vision Sciences at Glasgow Caledonian University. The local organizing committee for ISCEV 2005 is made up of all these local members who are working enthusiastically to host an enjoyable conference.
The Annual Symposium and Associated Activities
The 43rd ISCEV Annual Symposium consists of three and a half days of scientific presentations, posters and invited lectures together with a social program including a half-day excursion and a final banquet and ceilidh. Partners and families of delegates are welcome with a full partners program, some childrens activities and the opportunity for delegates to join optional pre and post conference tours.
The Annual Symposium is immediately preceeded by an ISCEV Course in Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision and the British Chapter meeting, the 3rd Annual Meeting of British Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (BriSCEV).
ISCEV has never met in Scotland and has not been held in the UK since 1991 when Oxford hosted the Annual meeting. On behalf of the organizing committee, I look forward to ISCEV 2005 in Glasgow.
Daphne McCulloch
ISCEV 2005 Local Organising Committee