ISCEV Travel Grants
Grants policy
Deadline for Travel Grant Applications is Friday 29 April, 2005
The purpose of the ISCEV grants programme is to assist young colleagues who would otherwise be unable to attend ISCEV meetings. The Society is particularly interested in encouraging junior investigators and clinicians to enter the field of clinical electrophysiology and join ISCEV, and to foster communication with colleagues who may be affected by economic constraints beyond their control. The grants programme does not expect to provide full support to grantees, but, hopefully, to provide sufficient assistance that grantees will be able to find local funds for the remainder of the meeting costs.
ISCEV grants will consist of up to 3 awards of $600 for overseas participants and up to 3 awards of $300 for participants within the geographic region of the symposium (in the sense of the three ISCEV regions: The Americas; Europe/Africa; Asia/Australia). Awardees will also be given one year's free membership of ISCEV and a 50% reduction in the meeting registration fee with the possibility of reduced-rate accomodation. Awards will be given upon registration at the conference and will be in the form of a cheque in US dollars or, in cash, in US dollars or local currency (awardee's choice).
The deadline for applications is 4 months prior to the symposium (29 April, 2005). Successful grantees will be notified by 2 months prior to the symposium. Applicants who are not awarded grants will retain the privilege of registering without a late fee, should the regular application deadline have passed.
Applications should be accompanied by
- An abstract for presentation at the meeting.
- A statement of circumstances including an indication of experience in clinical electro-physiology and the reason that financial assistance is required. If the applicant is a student or junior member of a programme, a letter of support from the laboratory or department director is required.
- A contact fax number to facilitate speedy communication of the outcome of the application.
Whilst there are no absolute criteria for acceptance or rejection, the selection committee discourages repeat applications from previously-successful applicants, multiple applications from the same laboratory, and applications from investigators with more than 5 years of experience in clinical electrophysiology. Scientific merit will be a factor in the decision process, as will relevance of the submitted abstract to the symposium topics.